Science Blockchain

Last updated: 6/30/24
  • Market Cap

    $17,640,854 USD

  • Volume (24h)


  • Circulating Supply

    12,348,598 SCI

  • Total Supply

    17,640,854 SCI

*Note: The NAV does not include portfolio company tokens that have been previously allocated or distributed to tokenholders.
Total portfolio company tokens previously distributed to token holders as of June 30,2024.
Token Quantity
WPR 1,375,205
MFT 8,680,322
AVT 172,794
VID 470,960
SPRING 388,804,022
DOG 10,576,485
NCT 19,456,060
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Our team is based in Santa Monica and happy to connect with you.

  • Investments

    Peter Pham

    chief business officer

  • Portfolio

    Talia Rosenthal

    portfolio manager

  • Investor Relations

    Tom Dare

    chief financial 0fficer

  • Media inquiries

    Maggie Squires
